+1 781-214-0154
Mon - Fri 9 AM - 5 PM
747 Main St Ste 228 Concord, MA 01742

We're committed to helping every child LEARN & GROW

Contact us today for a consultation or with any questions about our services. Our calendar is typically booked months in advance so don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us!

Welcome to Kid CenterEd

Below are just a few of our most commonly used services. Use the Services tab at the top of the page to view all of the services we provide.


At right are some of our most commonly requested services. Click on any of them to learn more or click on the Services tab at the top of the page for a list of all services.

Neuropsych Testing

Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning to identify learning challenges and inform personalized support strategies for your student's academic and social success.

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Transition Planning

Transition planning helps prepare your student for significant educational and life changes, such as moving on from elementary to middle school, or preparing for college, by providing tailored guidance and resources to ensure a seamless and successful transition.

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Educational Advocacy

Educational advocacy empowers parents with expert guidance and support, helping to navigate the complex special education system to ensure your child receives the appropriate accommodations and services tailored to their unique learning needs.

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IEP Support

IEP support provides expert assistance in the development of Individualized Education Plans, ensuring your child receives the most effective and targeted educational intervention to foster their academic growth and overall well-being.

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Our Awesome Team

Click below to connect with or read more about our amazing team or select a team member from the Team tab at the top of the page.